Group or organization: Manayunk Neighborhood Council

Address: PO BOX 4667, Philadelphia, PA 19127

Telephone: 215-483-2553


Contact Person: Gretjen Clausing Email:

Secondary Contact Person: Jane Glenn Email:

Organizational Background Information

1. Give a brief history of your organization or group:

Manayunk Neighborhood Council is a not-for-profit civic association founded in the 1950's and incorporated in 1970. We are a community organization for the residents of Manayunk and Roxborough.

2. What does your organization do on a day-to-day basis?

We hold monthly meetings where we present officials, developers, and other professionals tospeak on community issues and help residents. We work with residents and city and state agencies to improve the quality of live in the community. Our group distributes a monthly newsletter informing constituents of events and issues. We also represent residents at zoning hearings, manage the Friends of Pretzel Park, and Manayunk Tree Tenders.

3. With whom do you work? (i.e., community residents, funders, businesses, institutions, etc.)

We work for residents which requires us to work with businesses, developers, city and state officials, and other organizations.

4. Do you work with other community-based organizations?

Please describe a recent project/activity.

We work with Manayunk Development Corporation on improving Pretzel Park and to correct some of the problems the recent revitalization of Main Street has caused. We also work with neighboring civics, Central Roxborough Civic, Ridge Park Civic, Wissahickon Interested Citizens, and Wissahickon Neighbors, on common issues. We joined Friends of the Manayunk Canal and the Sierra Club in our fight to stop 430 apartments from being built in the floodway of the Schuylkill River on Venice Island.

Project Recommendations

1. Which specific Philadelphia neighborhood(s) or place(s) do you recommend for the Precious Places Project? Briefly explain why you chose this place.

We have selected the site of the Manayunk Club, also known as "Fairview Cottage", situated atop the Manayunk Cliffs overlooking the Schuylkill River. From its lofty promontory one can view the entire history of the region named Manayunk, where the original native people of the Lenni Lenape tribe lived and died when European settlers claimed ownership of the land. History of the parcel of land on which "Fairview Cottage" stands can be traced back to 1681 when William Penn was given the Schuylkill River as payment of a debt to his father by Charles II of England. The site held a mansion which was significant for the architecture and history of Philadelphia. It was the home in the 1800's, successively, of three of the most successful and prominent mill owners of the region (and, therefore, among the most prosperous and influential of Philadelphia businessmen) and, was the last remaining of the hilltop mansions of Manayunk. It exemplified the economic and historical heritage of the community. Fairview Cottage stood for nearly a century and a half. Known most recently as the Manayunk Club, it was an established and familiar visual feature in the landscape. Its prominent location and visibility give it the status of landmark to those who live in Manayunk and in surrounding communities.

2. What is the exact location of this neighborhood or place?(List street names and boundaries.)

The address was 450 Lyceum Avenue. The access from Lyceum Avenue was destroyed years ago. The site is accessible via Gay Street from Fleming Street, between Lyceum and Green Lane, and by the Gay Street steps dropping to Silverwood Street below.

3. What historic information should be most remembered about this place or neighborhood?

Fairview Cottage had been through many changes. After the rich moved elsewhere, it was used by St. John s church and for a few years as their high school. It was at one time a speakeasy and most recently it was an after hours drinking club.

4. What is the most interesting story to tell about this place or neighborhood? (Please be concise.)

There are many stories but the most interesting today is that Fairview Cottage, after it had been deemed historic, burned to the ground a few years ago. The police determined it was arson but no one was ever arrested. Developers have eyed the site for its panoramic views and now the property is slated to become 11 townhouses and will sit next to a 67 unit apartment complex already under construction. This is just one of many large upscale housing development projects in the works that are eating up the remaining green spaces in this already densely populated neighborhood, the most publicized being the apartments on Venice Island, land acknowledged to be in the flood plain. And with the site set for development Manayunk and Roxoborough residents will no longer have access to this beautiful vista of the river valley which gives them a real sense of place within the region.

Community Description

1. What are the primary ethnicities of people living in the surrounding area? Please give approximate percentages if you know them.

Total population:


African American
American Indian

2. How would you describe the economic status of the neighborhood: poor, working class, middle class, wealthy, very mixed.

Historically the neighborhood was working class and over 75 percent of the homes were owner occupied. Recently there has been an influx of college students and young professionals and the area is about 50 percent rentals.

3. In five years, what changes might there be to this neighborhood or place? (Comment on the condition of the buildings, streets, landscaping, businesses, residents.)

The building, sadly, is gone. The developer has promised to landscape the townhouses. The wooded lot next to the site, across Gay Street, is history as well. It has an apartment complex near completion. The entrance posts and the Gay Street Steps may be the only reminders to people of what existed there at one time.

4. Is there a widely remembered person, place, or event associated with this neighborhood or place? (positive or negative)

The Manayunk Club was a very special place to many residents, each with their own association. Some enjoyed the view, others remembered when it was part of St. John s high school, and many enjoyed visiting the club. The site exemplifies the economic and historical heritage of Manayunk. It was an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood by virtue of its unique, striking and longstanding location and fascinating history.

5. Are there any special buildings, parks, murals, historic streets, artifacts, or landmarks unique about this neighborhood or place?

The most remarkable thing about this site is the view overlooking Manayunk and the Schuylkill River.

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